Source code for PseudoNetCDF.cmaqfiles._ioapi

from PseudoNetCDF.pncwarn import warn
from ..core._files import PseudoNetCDFFile, netcdf
from collections import OrderedDict
from PseudoNetCDF._getwriter import registerwriter

import numpy as np
import datetime
today =
# Assuming some fo the most common
# options
_i = _ioapi_defaults = OrderedDict()
_i['IOAPI_VERSION'] = "N/A".ljust(80)
_i['EXEC_ID'] = "????????????????".ljust(80)
_i['FTYPE'] = 1
_i['CDATE'] = int(today.strftime('%Y%j'))
_i['CTIME'] = int(today.strftime('%H%M%S'))
_i['WDATE'] = int(today.strftime('%Y%j'))
_i['WTIME'] = int(today.strftime('%H%M%S'))
_i['NTHIK'] = 1
_i['GDTYP'] = 1
_i['P_ALP'] = 33.
_i['P_BET'] = 45.
_i['P_GAM'] = -97.
_i['XCENT'] = -97.
_i['YCENT'] = 40.
_i['VGTYP'] = 2
_i['VGTOP'] = np.float32(5000)
_i['GDNAM'] = "UNKNOWN         "
_i['UPNAM'] = "MAKEIOAPI       "
_i['FILEDESC'] = "".ljust(80)
_i['HISTORY'] = ""

def ioapi_sort_meta(infile):
    mydimensions = infile.dimensions.copy()
    outvars = getattr(infile, 'VAR-LIST', '').split()
    allvars = outvars + \
        [k for k in list(infile.variables)
         if k not in outvars and k != 'TFLAG']
    infile.NVARS = len(outvars)
    infile.dimensions = OrderedDict()
    for dk in 'TSTEP DATE-TIME LAY VAR ROW COL'.split():
        dv = mydimensions[dk]
        if dk == 'VAR':
            dl = infile.NVARS
            dl = len(dv)
        ndv = infile.createDimension(dk, dl)
    myvariables = infile.variables
    infile.variables = OrderedDict()
    for vk in ['TFLAG'] + allvars:
        infile.variables[vk] = myvariables[vk]

[docs]class ioapi_base(PseudoNetCDFFile):
[docs] @classmethod def isMine(self, path, *args, **kwds): return False
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): super().__init__(self, *args, **kwds) self.setCoords(['TFLAG']) def _updatetime(self, write=True, create=False): from datetime import datetime t = try: if create: self.CDATE = int(t.strftime('%Y%j')) self.CTIME = int(t.strftime('%H%M%S')) if write: self.WDATE = int(t.strftime('%Y%j')) self.WTIME = int(t.strftime('%H%M%S')) except Exception as e: warn('Time could not be updated; ' + str(e))
[docs] def setncatts(self, attdict): """ Wrapper on PseudoNetCDF.setncatts that updates WDATE, and WTIME See also -------- see PseudoNetCDFFile.setncatts """ PseudoNetCDFFile.setncatts(self, attdict) self._updatetime()
[docs] def createVariable(self, name, type, dimensions, fill_value=None, **properties): """ Wrapper on PseudoNetCDF.createVariable that updates VAR-LIST, NVARS, VAR, and TFLAG See also -------- see PseudoNetCDFFile.createVariable """ if name == 'TFLAG': fill_value = None out = PseudoNetCDFFile.createVariable( self, name=name, type=type, dimensions=dimensions, fill_value=fill_value, **properties) self._add2Varlist([name]) return out
[docs] def copy(self, props=True, dimensions=True, variables=True, data=True): out = PseudoNetCDFFile.copy( self, props=props, dimensions=dimensions, variables=False, data=False ) if variables: for vk, vv in self.variables.items(): if not vk.endswith('TFLAG'): PseudoNetCDFFile.copyVariable( out, vv, key=vk, withdata=data ) if props and dimensions: out.updatetflag() return out
[docs] def copyVariable(self, var, key=None, dtype=None, dimensions=None, fill_value=None, withdata=True): """ Wrapper on PseudoNetCDF.copyVariable that updates VAR-LIST, NVARS, VAR, and TFLAG See also -------- see PseudoNetCDFFile.copyVariable """ outvar = PseudoNetCDFFile.copyVariable( self, var, key=key, dtype=dtype, dimensions=dimensions, fill_value=fill_value, withdata=withdata) if key is None: for propk in ['name', 'standard_name', 'long_name']: if hasattr(var, propk): key = getattr(var, propk) else: raise AttributeError( 'varkey must be supplied because var has no name, ' + 'standard_name or long_name') self._add2Varlist([key]) return outvar
[docs] def mask(self, *args, **kwds): """ Wrapper on PseudoNetCDFFile.subsetVariables that updates VAR-LIST, NVARS, VAR, and TFLAG See also -------- see PseudoNetCDFFile.mask """ outf = PseudoNetCDFFile.mask(self, *args, **kwds) PseudoNetCDFFile.copyVariable( outf, self.variables['TFLAG'], key='TFLAG' ) outf.updatemeta() return outf
[docs] def subsetVariables( self, varkeys, inplace=False, exclude=False, keepcoords=True ): """ Wrapper on PseudoNetCDFFile.subsetVariables that updates VAR-LIST, NVARS, VAR, and TFLAG See also -------- see PseudoNetCDFFile.subsetVariables """ varlist = self.getVarlist(update=False) newvarlist = [ varkey for varkey in varlist if ( (varkey in varkeys) != exclude and varkey in self.variables and not varkey.endswith('TFLAG') ) ] outf = self.copy(props=True, dimensions=False, variables=False) for dk, dv in self.dimensions.items(): if dk == 'VAR': outf.copyDimension(dv, key=dk, dimlen=len(newvarlist)) else: outf.copyDimension(dv, key=dk) for vk in newvarlist: PseudoNetCDFFile.copyVariable( outf, self.variables[vk], key=vk, withdata=False ) for vk in newvarlist: outf.variables[vk][:] = self.variables[vk][:] setattr(outf, 'VAR-LIST', '') outf._add2Varlist(newvarlist) outf.updatemeta() return outf
[docs] def sliceDimensions(self, *args, **kwds): """ Wrapper PseudoNetCDFFile.sliceDimensions that corrects ROW, COL, LAY and TIME meta-data according to the ioapi format Parameters ---------- see PseudoNetCDFFile.sliceDimensions """ # First slice as normal outf = PseudoNetCDFFile.sliceDimensions(self, *args, **kwds) # Copy slice keywords excluding newdims dimslices = kwds.copy() dimslices.pop('newdims', None) # Identify array indices and the need for fancy indexing isarray = { dk: not np.isscalar(dv) and not isinstance(dv, slice) for dk, dv in dimslices.items() } # anyisarray = np.sum(list(isarray.values())) > 1 # Check if COL or ROW was used hascol = 'COL' in dimslices hasrow = 'ROW' in dimslices deleterowcol = False if hascol and hasrow: if isarray['ROW'] and isarray['COL']: newdims = kwds.get('newdims', ('POINTS',)) if 'ROW' not in newdims and 'COL' not in newdims: deleterowcol = True # If lay was subset, subset VGLVLS too if 'LAY' in kwds: nlvls = outf.VGLVLS.size lidx = np.array( np.arange(outf.VGLVLS.size - 1)[kwds['LAY']], ndmin=1 ) tmpvglvls = outf.VGLVLS[lidx] if lidx[-1] < (nlvls - 1): try: endl = outf.VGLVLS[lidx[-1] + 1] tmpvglvls = np.append(tmpvglvls, endl) outf.VGLVLS = tmpvglvls except Exception: warn('VGLVLS could not be diagnosed; update manually') # If subsetting replaces ('ROW', 'COL') ... for example with ('PERIM',) # remove the dimensions if deleterowcol: del outf.dimensions['COL'] del outf.dimensions['ROW'] else: # Update origins if 'COL' in kwds and 'COL' in outf.dimensions: ncol = len(self.dimensions['COL']) outf.XORIG += np.arange(ncol)[kwds['COL']].take(0) * outf.XCELL if 'ROW' in kwds and 'ROW' in outf.dimensions: nrow = len(self.dimensions['ROW']) outf.YORIG += np.arange(nrow)[kwds['ROW']].take(0) * outf.YCELL # Update TFLAG, SDATE, STIME and TSTEP if 'TSTEP' in kwds: import datetime times = np.atleast_1d(self.getTimes()[kwds['TSTEP']]) outf.SDATE = int(times[0].strftime('%Y%j')) outf.STIME = int(times[0].strftime('%H%M%S')) if times.size > 1: dt = np.diff(times) if not (dt[0] == dt).all(): warn('New time is unstructured') outf.TSTEP = int( (datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0) + dt[0]).strftime('%H%M%S')) outf.updatemeta() return outf
[docs] def interpSigma(self, vglvls, vgtop=None, interptype='linear', extrapolate=False, fill_value='extrapolate', verbose=0): """ Parameters ---------- vglvls : iterable the new vglvls (edges) vgtop : scalar Converting to new vgtop interptype : string 'linear' uses a linear interpolation 'conserve' uses a mass conserving interpolation extrapolate : boolean allow extrapolation beyond bounds with linear, default False fill_value : boolean set fill value (e.g, nan) to prevent extrapolation or edge continuation Returns ------- outf : ioapi_base PseudoNetCDFFile with all variables interpolated Notes ----- When extrapolate is false, the edge values are used for points beyond the inputs. """ vglvls = np.asarray(vglvls) # grab input sigma coordinates myvglvls = self.VGLVLS # If needed, recalculate this files SIGMA if vgtop is not None and not vgtop == self.VGTOP: dp0 = 101325. - self.VGTOP dp1 = 101325. - vgtop myvglvls = (myvglvls * dp0 + self.VGTOP - vgtop) / dp1 # Use midpoint for sigmas in inputs and outputs zs = (myvglvls[:-1] + myvglvls[1:]) / 2. nzs = (vglvls[:-1] + vglvls[1:]) / 2. if interptype == 'linear': from ..coordutil import getinterpweights weights = getinterpweights( zs, nzs, kind=interptype, fill_value=fill_value, extrapolate=extrapolate) # Create a function for interpolation def interpsigma(data): newdata = (weights * data[:, None]).sum(0) return newdata elif interptype == 'conserve': from ..coordutil import sigma2coeff # Calculate a weighting matrix using mass conserving # methods coeff = sigma2coeff(myvglvls, vglvls) # (Nold, Nnew) # Calculate input mass fractions dp_in = -np.diff(myvglvls.astype('d'))[:, None] # Create a weighted mass fraction function fdp = dp_in * coeff # Create a precalculated normalizer ndp = fdp.sum(0) # Create a function for interpolation def interpsigma(data): nvals = (data[:, None] * fdp).sum(0) / ndp return nvals else: raise ValueError( 'interptype only implemented for "linear" and "conserve"') # Apply function on LAY outf = self.applyAlongDimensions(LAY=interpsigma, verbose=verbose) # Ensure vglvls is a simple array outf.VGLVLS = vglvls.view(np.ndarray).astype('f') outf.NLAYS = len(outf.VGLVLS) - 1 outf.updatemeta() return outf
def _add2Varlist(self, varkeys): varliststr = getattr(self, 'VAR-LIST', '') keys = [k for k in varliststr.split() if k in self.variables] newkeys = set(varkeys).difference(keys + ['ETFLAG', 'TFLAG']) for varkey in varkeys: if varkey in newkeys: varliststr += varkey.ljust(16) keys.append(varkey) setattr(self, 'NVARS', len(keys)) setattr(self, 'VAR-LIST', varliststr) self._updatetime() return keys
[docs] def getVarlist(self, update=True): """ Returns ------- update : boolean update files attributes to be consistent Notes ----- If VAR-LIST does not exist, it is added assuming all variables with dimensions ('TSTEP', 'LAY', ...) are variables """ if not hasattr(self, 'VAR-LIST'): varliststr_old = '' varlist = [k for k, v in self.variables.items() if v.dimensions[:2] == ('TSTEP', 'LAY')] else: varliststr_old = getattr(self, 'VAR-LIST') varlist = [vk for vk in varliststr_old.split() if vk in self.variables] varliststr_new = ''.join([vk.ljust(16) for vk in varlist]) if update and varliststr_new != varliststr_old: setattr(self, 'VAR-LIST', varliststr_new) if update and len(varlist) != self.NVARS: self.NVARS = len(varlist) newdimlen = max(self.NVARS, 1) if 'VAR' in self.dimensions: if newdimlen != len(self.dimensions['VAR']): try: self.createDimension('VAR', newdimlen) except Exception: pass # add updatetflag else: self.createDimension('VAR', newdimlen) return varlist
def updatetflag(self, overwrite=None, startdate=None, tstep=None): if overwrite is None: overwrite = ( 'TFLAG' not in self.variables or self.variables['TFLAG'].shape[1] != self.NVARS ) if overwrite: if 'TFLAG' in self.variables: del self.variables['TFLAG'] if startdate is not None: self.SDATE = int(startdate.strftime('%Y%j')) self.STIME = int(startdate.strftime('%H%M%S')) if tstep is not None: self.TSTEP = tstep times = self.getTimes() tvar = self.createVariable( 'TFLAG', 'i', ('TSTEP', 'VAR', 'DATE-TIME')) tvar.units = '<YYYYDDD,HHMMSS>'.ljust(16) tvar.long_name = 'TFLAG'.ljust(16) tvar.var_desc = ("Timestep-valid flags: (1) YYYYDDD or (2) " + "HHMMSS ") yyyyjjj = np.array([int(t.strftime('%Y%j')) for t in times]) hhmmss = np.array([int(t.strftime('%H%M%S')) for t in times]) tvar[:, :, 0] = yyyyjjj[:, None].repeat(tvar.shape[1], 1) tvar[:, :, 1] = hhmmss[:, None].repeat(tvar.shape[1], 1) else: if len(self.dimensions['VAR']) == 0: return try: times = self.getTimes() except Exception as e: warn('Times were incalculable: using epoch start\n' + str(e)) times = np.array([datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)]) if not hasattr(self, 'SDATE'): self.SDATE = int(times[0].strftime('%Y%j')) if not hasattr(self, 'STIME'): self.STIME = int(times[0].strftime('%H%M%S')) if not hasattr(self, 'TSTEP'): if times.size > 1: dt = np.diff(times) if not (dt[0] == dt).all(): warn('New time is unstructured') tstep = int( ( datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0) + dt.mean() ).strftime('%H%M%S') ) self.TSTEP = tstep else: self.TSTEP = 10000
[docs] def updatemeta(self, attdict={}, sortmeta=False): """ Parameters ---------- attdict : dictionary key value pairs to update meta data sortmeta : boolean sort meta data after update Returns ------- None Notes ----- Meta data not provided or present will be inferred or made up. (See _ioapi_defaults) """ if attdict is None: attdict = {} attdict.update(_ioapi_defaults) for pk, pv in attdict.items(): if not hasattr(self, pk): setattr(self, pk, pv) if 'TSTEP' in self.dimensions: td = self.dimensions['TSTEP'] if not td.isunlimited(): td.setunlimited(True) if 'DATE-TIME' not in self.dimensions: self.createDimension('DATE-TIME', 2) self.getVarlist(update=True) if 'LAY' in self.dimensions: self.NLAYS = len(self.dimensions['LAY']) if 'COL' in self.dimensions: self.NCOLS = len(self.dimensions['COL']) if 'ROW' in self.dimensions: self.NROWS = len(self.dimensions['ROW']) self._updatetime() self.updatetflag() if sortmeta: ioapi_sort_meta(self)
[docs] def applyAlongDimensions(self, *args, **kwds): """ Wrapper PseudoNetCDFFile.applyAlongDimensions that corrects ROW, COL, LAY and TIME meta-data according to the ioapi format Parameters ---------- see PseudoNetCDFFile.applyAlongDimensions """ outf = PseudoNetCDFFile.applyAlongDimensions(self, *args, **kwds) if 'LAY' in kwds: nlays = len(self.dimensions['LAY']) layf = PseudoNetCDFFile() layf.createDimension('lay', nlays) layf.createDimension('nv', 2) laym = layf.createVariable('lay', 'f', ('lay',)) layb = layf.createVariable('lay_bounds', 'f', ('lay', 'nv')) layb[:, 0] = self.VGLVLS[:-1] layb[:, 1] = self.VGLVLS[1:] laym[:] = layb.mean(1) newlayf = layf.applyAlongDimensions(lay=kwds['LAY']) nlayb = newlayf.variables['lay_bounds'] outf.VGLVLS = np.append(nlayb[:, 0], nlayb[:, 1]).view(np.ndarray) outf.updatemeta() return outf
[docs] def eval(self, *args, **kwds): """ Wrapper PseudoNetCDFFile.eval that corrects VAR-LIST and TFLAG meta-data according to the ioapi format Parameters ---------- see PseudoNetCDFFile.eval """ # oldkeys = set(self.variables) out = PseudoNetCDFFile.eval(self, *args, **kwds) outkeys = set(out.variables) # newkeys = outkeys.difference(oldkeys) # byekeys = oldkeys.difference(outkeys) out._add2Varlist(outkeys) out.updatemeta() return out
[docs] def getMap(self, maptype='basemap_auto', **kwds): """ Wrapper PseudoNetCDFFile.getMap that uses NCOLS, XCELL NROWS, and YCELL to calculate map bounds if basemap_auto Parameters ---------- see PseudoNetCDFFile.getMap """ if maptype.endswith('_auto'): if self.GDTYP == 1: lllon, lllat = self.XORIG, self.YORIG urlon = self.XORIG + self.NCOLS * self.XCELL urlat = self.YORIG + self.NROWS * self.YCELL else: lllon, lllat = self.xy2ll(0, 0) urlon, urlat = self.xy2ll( self.NCOLS * self.XCELL, self.NROWS * self.YCELL) kwds.setdefault('llcrnrlon', lllon) kwds.setdefault('llcrnrlat', lllat) kwds.setdefault('urcrnrlon', urlon) kwds.setdefault('urcrnrlat', urlat) maptype = maptype[:-5] return PseudoNetCDFFile.getMap(self, maptype=maptype, **kwds)
[docs] def plot(self, varkey, plottype='longitude-latitude', ax_kw=None, plot_kw=None, cbar_kw=None, map_kw=None, dimreduction='mean'): """ Parameters ---------- varkey : string the variable to plot plottype : string longitude-latitude, latitude-pressure, longitude-pressure, vertical-profile, time-longitude, time-latitude, time-pressure, default, longitude-latitude ax_kw : dictionary keywords for the axes to be created plot_kw : dictionary keywords for the plot (plot, scatter, or pcolormesh) to be created cbar_kw : dictionary keywords for the colorbar map_kw : dictionary keywords for the getMap routine, which is only used with plottype='longitude-latitude' dimreduction : string or function dimensions not being used in the plot are removed using applyAlongDimensions(dimkey=dimreduction) where each dimenions """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from ..coordutil import getbounds if ax_kw is None: ax_kw = {} if plot_kw is None: plot_kw = {} if cbar_kw is None: cbar_kw = {} if map_kw is None: map_kw = {} apply2dim = {} var = self.variables[varkey] varunit = varkey if hasattr(var, 'units'): varunit += ' ' + var.units.strip() dimlens = dict([(dk, len(self.dimensions[dk])) for dk in var.dimensions]) dimpos = dict([(dk, di) for di, dk in enumerate(var.dimensions)]) raw_xkey, raw_ykey = plottype.split('-') d2d = {'time': 'TSTEP', 'latitude': 'ROW', 'longitude': 'COL', 'pressure': 'LAY'} xkey = d2d.get(raw_xkey, raw_xkey) ykey = d2d.get(raw_ykey, raw_ykey) if not ykey == 'profile': for dimkey in list(dimlens): if dimkey not in (xkey, ykey) and dimlens.get(dimkey, 1) > 1: apply2dim[dimkey] = dimreduction if len(apply2dim) > 0: myf = self.applyAlongDimensions(**apply2dim) var = myf.variables[varkey] dimlens = dict([(dk, len(self.dimensions[dk])) for dk in var.dimensions]) else: myf = self if ykey in ('profile',): vaxi = var.dimensions.index(xkey) vsize = var.shape[vaxi] vals = np.rollaxis(var[:], vaxi).reshape(vsize, -1) else: vals = var[:].squeeze() if xkey == 'TSTEP': xm = myf.getTimes() dx = np.diff(xm)[-1] x = np.append(xm, xm[-1] + dx) x = plt.matplotlib.dates.date2num(x) else: x = getbounds(myf, xkey) ax = plt.gca(**ax_kw) if ykey in ('profile',): y = getbounds(myf, xkey) x1 = vals[:].min(1) xm = vals[:].mean(1) x2 = vals[:].max(1) ax.fill_betweenx(y=y, x1=x1, x2=x2, label=varkey + '(min, max)') ax.plot(xm, y, label=varkey, **plot_kw) ax.set_ylabel(xkey) ax.set_xlabel(varunit) return ax if ykey == 'TSTEP': ym = myf.getTimes() dy = np.diff(ym)[-1] y = np.append(ym, ym[-1] + dy) y = plt.matplotlib.dates.date2num(y) else: y = getbounds(myf, ykey) if dimpos[xkey] < dimpos[ykey]: vals = vals.T if xkey == 'TSTEP': ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter( plt.matplotlib.dates.AutoDateFormatter( plt.matplotlib.dates.AutoDateLocator())) if ykey == 'TSTEP': ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter( plt.matplotlib.dates.AutoDateFormatter( plt.matplotlib.dates.AutoDateLocator())) if plottype == 'longitude-latitude': try: coastlines = map_kw.pop('coastlines', True) countries = map_kw.pop('countries', True) states = map_kw.pop('states', False) counties = map_kw.pop('counties', False) bmap = myf.getMap(**map_kw) if coastlines: bmap.drawcoastlines(ax=ax) if countries: bmap.drawcountries(ax=ax) if states: bmap.drawstates(ax=ax) if counties: bmap.drawcounties(ax=ax) x = np.arange(self.NCOLS + 1) * self.XCELL y = np.arange(self.NROWS + 1) * self.YCELL if self.GDTYP == 1: x += self.XORIG y += self.YORIG except Exception: pass else: ax.set_xlabel(xkey) ax.set_ylabel(ykey) p = ax.pcolormesh(x, y, vals, **plot_kw) cbar_kw.setdefault('label', varunit) ax.figure.colorbar(p, **cbar_kw) return ax
slice = sliceDimensions apply = applyAlongDimensions
[docs]class ioapi(ioapi_base, netcdf): def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): netcdf.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) self.setCoords(['TFLAG']) def _newlike(self): if self.get_dest() is not None: outf = ioapi(**self.get_dest()) elif isinstance(self, PseudoNetCDFFile): outt = ioapi_base outf = outt.__new__(outt) else: outf = PseudoNetCDFFile() outf.set_varopt(**self.get_varopt()) outf._updatetime(write=True, create=True) return outf
[docs] @classmethod def from_ncf(cls, infile): outf = ioapi_base() for pk in infile.ncattrs(): pv = getattr(infile, pk) setattr(outf, pk, pv) for dk, dv in infile.dimensions.items(): outf.copyDimension(dv, key=dk) for vk, vv in infile.variables.items(): outf.copyVariable(vv, key=vk) return outf
@property def _mode(self): return self.__dict__['_mode']
[docs] def createVariable(self, *args, **kwds): return netcdf.createVariable(self, *args, **kwds)
[docs] def createDimension(self, *args, **kwds): return netcdf.createDimension(self, *args, **kwds)
[docs] @classmethod def isMine(cls, *args, **kwds): try: f = netcdf(*args, **kwds) for dk in ['TSTEP', 'VAR', 'DATE-TIME']: assert(dk in f.dimensions) attrlist = f.ncattrs() for pk in ['XORIG', 'XCELL', 'YCELL', 'YORIG', 'SDATE', 'STIME']: assert(pk in attrlist) return True except Exception: return False
def _fromdefaults(nfile, opts): for dk in opts: if dk in nfile.dimensions: return dk else: return opts[0] def _tryset(obj, pk, pv, prefix='obj'): try: setattr(obj, pk, pv) except Exception as e: warn( '{}.{} not set {}; value {} was lost'.format(prefix, pk, e, pv) ) def ncf2ioapi( nfile, outpath, verbose=0, mode='w', tstepkeys=('TSTEP', 'Time', 'time', 't'), laykeys=('LAY', 'layer', 'level', 'layer47', 'layer72', 'z'), rowkeys=('ROW', 'latitude', 'south_north', 'lat', 'y'), colkeys=('COL', 'longitude', 'west_east', 'lon', 'x'), perimkeys=('PERIM', 'POINTS'), format='NETCDF3_CLASSIC', **props ): """ Parameters ---------- nfile : netcdf-like file Input file to translate to IOAPI meta data NETCDF file outpath : str Path for output file verbose : int Higher verbosity is more info mode : str Mode for opening file (w, ws, r+, a) tstepkeys : tuple of strings Strings to translate to TSTEP laykeys : tuple of strings Strings to translate to LAY rowkeys : tuple of strings Strings to translate to ROW colkeys : tuple of strings Strings to translate to COL perimkeys : tuple of strings Strings to translate to PERIM; only relevant when GDTYP=2 format : string Format for output file either NETCDF3_CLASSIC, NETCDF3_64BIT_OFFSET NETCDF4_CLASSIC props : dict Mapping of properties to set Returns ------- out : netCDF4.Dataset """ time = _fromdefaults(nfile, tstepkeys) lay = _fromdefaults(nfile, laykeys) row = _fromdefaults(nfile, rowkeys) col = _fromdefaults(nfile, colkeys) perim = _fromdefaults(nfile, perimkeys) dim2dim = {} if time != 'TSTEP': dim2dim[time] = 'TSTEP' if lay != 'LAY': dim2dim[lay] = 'LAY' if row != 'ROW': dim2dim[row] = 'ROW' if col != 'COL': dim2dim[col] = 'COL' if col != 'COL': dim2dim[col] = 'COL' if verbose > 0: print('Dimension translation', dim2dim) fileprops = _ioapi_defaults.copy() for k in nfile.ncattrs(): fileprops[k] = getattr(nfile, k) fileprops.update(**props) if fileprops['FTYPE'] == 2: indims = (time, lay, perim) else: indims = (time, lay, row, col) outdims = tuple(dim2dim.get(k, k) for k in indims) varkeys = [k for k, v in nfile.variables.items() if v.dimensions == indims] varlist = ''.join([k.ljust(16) for k in varkeys]) fileprops['VAR-LIST'] = varlist nvar = fileprops['NVARS'] = len(varkeys) nthk = fileprops['NTHIK'] nx = fileprops['NCOLS'] = len(nfile.dimensions[col]) ny = fileprops['NROWS'] = len(nfile.dimensions[row]) nz = fileprops['NLAYS'] = len(nfile.dimensions[lay]) ofile = netcdf(outpath, format=format, mode=mode) for pk, pv in fileprops.items(): _tryset(ofile, pk, pv, prefix='file') ofile.createDimension('TSTEP', None) ofile.createDimension('DATE-TIME', 2) ofile.createDimension('LAY', nz) ofile.createDimension('VAR', nvar) if fileprops['FTYPE'] == 2: ofile.createDimension('PERIM', nthk * (4 * nthk + 2 * (nx + ny))) elif fileprops['FTYPE'] == 1: ofile.createDimension('ROW', ny) ofile.createDimension('COL', nx) else: raise ValueError('FTYPE is unknown; must be 1 or 2') times = nfile.getTimes() tv = ofile.createVariable('TFLAG', 'i', ('TSTEP', 'VAR', 'DATE-TIME')) tv.units = '<YYYYJJJ,HHMMSS>' tv.long_name = 'TFLAG'.ljust(16) tv.var_desc = 'TFLAG'.ljust(80) yyyyjjj = np.array([t.strftime('%Y%j') for t in times], dtype='i') hhmmss = np.array([t.strftime('%H%M%S') for t in times], dtype='i') for k in varkeys: v = nfile.variables[k] ov = ofile.createVariable(k, v.dtype.char, outdims) ov.long_name = k.ljust(16) ov.var_desc = k.ljust(16) ov.units = 'unknown'.ljust(16) for pk in v.ncattrs(): pv = getattr(v, pk) _tryset(ov, pk, pv, prefix=k) tv[:yyyyjjj.size, :, 0] = yyyyjjj[:, None].repeat(nvar, 1) tv[:yyyyjjj.size, :, 1] = hhmmss[:, None].repeat(nvar, 1) dt = (times[-1] - times[0]).total_seconds() / (len(times) - 1) tmpd = datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=dt) ofile.TSTEP = int(tmpd.strftime('%H%M%S')) ofile.SDATE = int(times[0].strftime('%Y%j')) ofile.STIME = int(times[0].strftime('%H%M%S')) # if ( # any([vk.startswith('lat') for vk in nfile.variables]) and # any([vk.startswith('lon') for vk in nfile.variables]) # ): # ofile.GDTYP = 1 # projstr = nfile.getproj(projformat='proj4', withgrid=True) if not hasattr(ofile, 'VGLVLS'): ofile.VGTYP = -1 ofile.VGLVLS = np.arange(nz + 1, dtype='f') for k in varkeys: v = nfile.variables[k] ov = ofile.variables[k] ov[:] = v return ofile registerwriter('ioapi', ncf2ioapi)