Source code for PseudoNetCDF.noaafiles._cdump

import numpy as np
from PseudoNetCDF import PseudoNetCDFFile
from datetime import datetime
from .arltime import arl2time

strptime = datetime.strptime

_packhdrfmt = np.dtype('>i,>S4,>i,>i')

_ijcdt = np.dtype(dict(names='IJC',

[docs]class arlconcdump(PseudoNetCDFFile):
[docs] @classmethod def isMine(cls, *args, **kwds): kwds.pop('metaonly', None) try: cls(*args, metaonly=True, **kwds) return True except Exception: return False
def __init__(self, path, metaonly=False, vector=False): self._infile = open(path, 'rb') self._vector = vector, 0) self._rec12345() if not metaonly: self._datarec() lat = self.createVariable( 'latitude', 'f', ('latitude',), units='degrees_north', values=(self.LLCRNR_LAT + self.DELTA_LAT / 2 + np.arange(self.NLATS) * self.DELTA_LAT) ) lon = self.createVariable( 'longitude', 'f', ('longitude',), units='degrees_east', values=(self.LLCRNR_LON + self.DELTA_LON / 2 + np.arange(self.NLONS) * self.DELTA_LON) ) self.createVariable( 'latitude_bounds', 'f', ('latitude', 'nv'), units='degrees_north', values=np.array([lat - self.DELTA_LAT / 2, lat + self.DELTA_LAT / 2]).T ) self.createVariable( 'longitude_bounds', 'f', ('longitude', 'nv'), units='degrees_east', values=np.array([lon - self.DELTA_LON / 2, lon + self.DELTA_LON / 2]).T ) if self._vector: tempf = self.subsetVariables(['latitude', 'latitude_bounds', 'longitude', 'longitude_bounds', 'time', 'time_bounds', 'layer'])\ .sliceDimensions(latitude=self.variables['J'], longitude=self.variables['I'], time=self.variables['T'], layer=self.variables['K'])\ .renameDimensions(latitude='points', longitude='points', time='points', layer='points') for key in list(tempf.variables): self.variables[key] = tempf.variables[key] def _rec12345(self): """ Record #1 CHAR*4 Meteorological MODEL Identification INT*4 Meteorological file starting time (YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, FORECAST-HOUR) INT*4 NUMBER of starting locations INT*4 Concentration packing flag (0=no 1=yes) """ infile = self._infile rec1 = np.fromfile( infile, dtype='>i,>S4,>i,>i,>i,>i,>i,>i,>i,>i', count=1)[0] assert(rec1['f0'] == rec1['f9']) nloc = self.NSTARTLOCS = rec1['f7'] rec1['f8'] == 1 self.METMODEL = rec1['f1'].decode() self.MET_YEAR = rec1['f2'] self.MET_MONTH = rec1['f3'] self.MET_DAY = rec1['f4'] self.MET_HOUR = rec1['f5'] self.MET_FORECAST_HOUR = rec1['f6'] self.STARTING_LOCATIONS = rec1['f7'] self.PACKED = rec1['f8'] """ Record #2 Loop to record: Number of starting locations INT*4 Release starting time (YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR) REAL*4 Starting location and height (LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, METERS) INT*4 Release starting time (MINUTES) """ rec2 = np.fromfile(infile, dtype='>i,>4i,>3f,>i,>i', count=nloc) assert((rec2['f0'] == rec2['f4']).all()) self.createDimension('starts', nloc) sy = self.createVariable('START_YEAR', 'i', ('starts',), units='year') sy[:] = rec2['f1'][:, 0] sm = self.createVariable( 'START_MONTH', 'i', ('starts',), units='month') sm[:] = rec2['f1'][:, 1] sd = self.createVariable('START_DAY', 'i', ('starts',), units='day') sd[:] = rec2['f1'][:, 2] sh = self.createVariable('START_HOUR', 'i', ('starts',), units='hour') sh[:] = rec2['f1'][:, 3] slat = self.createVariable( 'START_LAT', 'f', ('starts',), units='degrees_north') slat[:] = rec2['f2'][:, 0] slon = self.createVariable( 'START_LON', 'f', ('starts',), units='degrees_east') slon[:] = rec2['f2'][:, 1] salt = self.createVariable( 'START_ALT', 'f', ('starts',), units='meters') salt[:] = rec2['f2'][:, 2] """ Record #3 INT*4 Number of (LATITUDE-POINTS, LONGITUDE-POINTS) REAL*4 Grid spacing (DELTA-LATITUDE,DELTA-LONGITUDE) REAL*4 Grid lower left corner (LATITUDE, LONGITUDE) """ rec3 = np.fromfile(infile, dtype='>i,>2i,>2f,>2f,>i', count=1)[0] assert(rec3['f0'] == rec3['f4']) self.NLATS = rec3['f1'][0] self.NLONS = rec3['f1'][1] self.DELTA_LAT = rec3['f2'][0] self.DELTA_LON = rec3['f2'][1] self.LLCRNR_LAT = rec3['f3'][0] self.LLCRNR_LON = rec3['f3'][1] """ Record #4 INT*4 NUMBER of vertical levels in concentration grid INT*4 HEIGHT of each level (meters above ground) """ tmp = np.fromfile(infile, dtype='>i,>i', count=1)[0] nlays = self.NLAYS = tmp['f1'], 1) rec4 = np.fromfile( infile, dtype='>i,>i,>{}i,>i'.format(nlays), count=1)[0] assert(rec4['f0'] == rec4['f3']) self.createDimension('layer', nlays) var = self.createVariable('layer', 'i', ('layer',)) var.units = 'meters agl' var[:] = rec4['f2'] """ Record #5 INT*4 NUMBER of different pollutants in grid CHAR*4 Identification STRING for each pollutant """ tmp = np.fromfile(infile, dtype='>i,>i', count=1) npols = self.NPOLS = tmp['f1'][0] if npols > 1 and self._vector: raise IOError('The vector option and multipollutant files ' + 'are not compatible'), 1) rec5 = np.fromfile(infile, dtype='>i,>i,>({},)S4,>i'.format( npols), count=1).squeeze() assert(rec5['f0'] == rec5['f3']) self.POLLUTANTS = b','.join(rec5['f2']).decode() def _datarec(self): infile = self._infile nlats = self.NLATS nlons = self.NLONS nlays = self.NLAYS npols = self.NPOLS pack = self.PACKED == 1 now = infile.tell(), 2) total = infile.tell(), 0) datasize = total - now datasize thdr = np.dtype('>i,>6i,>i') nopackdfmt = '>({},{})f'.format(nlats, nlons) nopackfmt = np.dtype( dict( names=['B', 'POL', 'LAY', 'data', 'E'], formats=['>i', '>S4', '>i', nopackdfmt, '>i'] ) ) outs = [] pols = [] lays = [] starts = [] stops = [] ti = 0 while infile.tell() != total: """ Record #6 Loop to record: Number of output times INT*4 Sample start (YEAR MONTH DAY HOUR MINUTE FORECAST) """ start = np.fromfile(infile, dtype=thdr, count=1) starts.append(start['f1'][0]) """ Record #7 Loop to record: Number of output times INT*4 Sample stop (YEAR MONTH DAY HOUR MINUTE FORECAST) """ stop = np.fromfile(infile, dtype=thdr, count=1) stops.append(stop['f1'][0]) """ Record #8 Loop to record: Number levels, Number of pollutant types CHAR*4 Pollutant type identification STRING INT*4 Output LEVEL (meters) of this record No Packing (all elements) REAL*4 Concentration output ARRAY Packing (only non-zero elements) INT*4 Loop non-zero elements INT*2 First (I) index value INT*2 - Second (J) index value REAL*4 - Concentration at (I,J)**_ """ if pack: # c = np.zeros((npols, nlays, nlats, nlons), dtype='f') for pi in range(npols): for li in range(nlays): tmp = np.fromfile(infile, _packhdrfmt, count=1) myp = tmp['f1'][0] myl = tmp['f2'][0] pols.append(myp) lays.append(myl) myc = tmp['f3'][0] tmp = np.fromfile(infile, np.dtype([('data', _ijcdt, myc), ('f1', '>i', 1)]), count=1) tdata = tmp['data'][0] Jidx = tdata['J'] - 1 Iidx = tdata['I'] - 1 # c[pi, li, Jidx, Iidx] = tdata['C'] if self._vector: if myc > 0: zl = np.array(np.ones_like(Jidx), ndmin=1) outs.append([ ti * zl, pi * zl, li * zl, Jidx, Iidx, tdata['C']] ) else: outs.append([ti, pi, li, Jidx, Iidx, tdata['C']]) else: npblock = np.fromfile( infile, dtype=nopackfmt, count=npols * nlays) c = npblock['data'] outs.append(c.reshape(npols, nlays, nlats, nlons)) ti += 1 ntimes = ti if isinstance(outs[0], list): if self._vector: datablock = np.concatenate( [ np.array(out, ndmin=2, dtype='f').reshape(6, -1) for out in outs ], axis=1 ).T npoints = datablock.shape[0] else: datablock = np.zeros((ntimes, npols, nlays, nlats, nlons), dtype='f') for ti, pi, li, ji, ii, v in outs: datablock[ti, pi, li, ji, ii] = v else: datablock = np.stack(outs, axis=0) pols = np.array(pols).reshape(ntimes, npols, nlays) lays = np.array(lays).reshape(ntimes, npols, nlays) self.createDimension('time', ntimes) if self._vector: self.createDimension('points', npoints) self.createDimension('layer', nlays) self.createDimension('latitude', nlats) self.createDimension('longitude', nlons) self.createDimension('nv', 2) assert((lays[:, [0], :] == lays[:, :, :]).all()) assert((pols[:, :, [0]] == pols[:, :, :]).all()) if self._vector: poldims = ('points',) for key, idx in [('T', 0), ('J', -3), ('I', -2), ('K', -4)]: self.createVariable( key, 'i', poldims, units='0-based index', values=datablock[:, idx].astype('i') ) else: poldims = ('time', 'layer', 'latitude', 'longitude') for pi, pol in enumerate(pols[0, :, 0]): if self._vector: poldata = datablock[:, -1][datablock[:, 1] == pi] else: poldata = datablock[:, pi] var = self.createVariable(pol.decode(), 'f', poldims, values=poldata) var.units = 'arbitrary' var.description = pol.decode() time = self.createVariable( 'time', 'd', ('time',), units='seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00+0000' ) time_bounds = self.createVariable( 'time_bounds', 'd', ('time', 'nv'), units='seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00+0000' ) rdate = strptime('1970-01-01 00:00:00+0000', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z') sdt = np.array([(arl2time(YY, MM, DD, HH, mm) - rdate).total_seconds() for YY, MM, DD, HH, mm, FF in starts]) edt = np.array([(arl2time(YY, MM, DD, HH, mm) - rdate).total_seconds() for YY, MM, DD, HH, mm, FF in stops]) time_bounds[:, 0] = sdt time_bounds[:, 1] = edt time[:] = time_bounds.mean(1)
if __name__ == '__main__': print(arlconcdump.isMine('cdump24')) f = arlconcdump('cdump24')