Source code for PseudoNetCDF.noaafiles._tdump

from PseudoNetCDF import PseudoNetCDFFile
from .arltime import arl2timea
import numpy as np

_units = dict(trajid='---',
              month='month of year',
              day='day of month',
              hour='hour of day',
              minute='minute of hour',
              forecast_hour='hour in forecast',

[docs]class arltrajdump(PseudoNetCDFFile):
[docs] @classmethod def isMine(cls, path): try: arltrajdump(path) return True except Exception: return False
def __init__(self, path): self._path = path f = self._file = open(path) """ Record #1 I6 - Number of meteorological grids used in calculation """ nmgrid = self.NMETGRIDS = int(f.readline()[:6].strip()) """ Records Loop #2 through the number of grids A8 - Meteorological Model identification 5I6 - Data file starting Year, Month, Day, Hour, Forecast Hour """ metgridlines = [f.readline().strip().split() for i in range(nmgrid)] self.METGRIDS = ','.join([l[0] for l in metgridlines]) self.createDimension('metgrid', nmgrid) v = self.createVariable('met_year', 'i', ('metgrid',)) v.units = 'year' v.long_name = 'year' v[:] = [int(l[1]) for l in metgridlines] v = self.createVariable('met_month', 'i', ('metgrid',)) v.units = 'month' v.long_name = 'month of the year' v[:] = [int(l[2]) for l in metgridlines] v = self.createVariable('met_day', 'i', ('metgrid',)) v.units = 'day' v.long_name = 'day of the month' v[:] = [int(l[3]) for l in metgridlines] v = self.createVariable('met_hour', 'i', ('metgrid',)) v.units = 'hour' v.long_name = 'hour of the day (GMT)' v[:] = [int(l[4]) for l in metgridlines] v = self.createVariable('met_forecast_hour', 'i', ('metgrid',)) v.units = 'forecast_hour' v.long_name = 'hour of the forecast' v[:] = [int(l[5]) for l in metgridlines] """ Record #3 I6 - number of different trajectories in file 1X,A8 - direction of trajectory calculation (FORWARD, BACKWARD) 1X,A8 - vertical motion calculation method (OMEGA, THETA, ...) """ ntrajstr, tcalc, vmot = f.readline().strip().split() self.TRAJECTORY_CALCULATION, self.VERTMOTION = tcalc, vmot ntrajs = self.NTRAJECTORIES = int(ntrajstr) """ Record Loop #4 through the number of different trajectories in file 4I6 - starting year, month, day, hour 2F9.3 - starting latitude, longitude F8.1 - starting level above ground (meters) """ trajmeta = np.array([f.readline().strip().split() for i in range(ntrajs)], dtype='f') self.createDimension('trajectory', ntrajs) v = self.createVariable('traj_year', 'i', ('trajectory',)) v.units = 'year' v.long_name = 'year' v[:] = trajmeta[:, 0].astype('i') v = self.createVariable('traj_month', 'i', ('trajectory',)) v.units = 'month' v.long_name = 'month of the year' v[:] = trajmeta[:, 1].astype('i') v = self.createVariable('trajectory_day', 'i', ('trajectory',)) v.units = 'day' v.long_name = 'day of the month' v[:] = trajmeta[:, 2].astype('i') v = self.createVariable('trajectory_hour', 'i', ('trajectory',)) v.units = 'hour' v.long_name = 'hour of the day (GMT)' v[:] = trajmeta[:, 3].astype('i') v = self.createVariable( 'trajectory_init_latitude', 'f', ('trajectory',)) v.units = 'degrees_north' v.long_name = 'initial latitude' v[:] = trajmeta[:, 4] v = self.createVariable( 'trajectory_init_longitude', 'f', ('trajectory',)) v.units = 'degrees_east' v.long_name = 'initial longitude' v[:] = trajmeta[:, 5] v = self.createVariable('trajectory_init_height', 'f', ('trajectory',)) v.units = 'meters agl' v.long_name = 'initial altitude' v[:] = trajmeta[:, 6] # Starting time self._starttimes = arl2timea(trajmeta[:, 0], trajmeta[:, 1], trajmeta[:, 2], trajmeta[:, 3], trajmeta[:, 3] * 0) """ Record #5 I6 - number (n) of diagnostic output variables n(1X,A8) - label identification of each variable (PRESSURE, THETA, ...) """ diagnostics = f.readline().strip().lower().split() ndiag = int(diagnostics[0]) assert((ndiag + 1) == len(diagnostics)) """ Record Loop #6 through the number of hours in the simulation I6 - trajectory number I6 - meteorological grid number or antecedent trajectory number 5I6 - year month day hour minute of the point I6 - forecast hour at point F8.1 - age of the trajectory in hours 2F9.3 - position latitude and longitude 1X,F8.1 - position height in meters above ground n(1X,F8.1) - n diagnostic output variables (1st to be output is always pressure) """ try: import pandas as pd except Exception: raise ImportError('arltrajdump requires pandas; ' + 'install pandas (e.g., pip install pandas)') # , parse_dates = ['YEAR MONTH DAY HOUR MINUTE'.split()]) data = pd.read_csv(f, delimiter='\s+', names=(('trajid metgridid year month day hour ' + 'minute forecast_hour age latitude ' + 'longitude altitude').split() + diagnostics[1:])) mytimes = arl2timea(data['year'], data['month'], data['day'], data['hour'], data['minute']) unique_times = np.sort(np.unique(mytimes)) ntimes = len(unique_times) self.createDimension('time', ntimes) utraj = data['trajid'].unique() mytraj = data['trajid'].values # myage = data['age'].values trajidx = (utraj[:, None] == mytraj[None, :]).argmax(0) timeidx = (unique_times[:, None] == mytimes[None, :]).argmax(0) tmpv =, ntrajs), dtype='f') for k in data.columns: v = self.createVariable( k, 'f', ('time', 'trajectory'), fill_value=-999.) v.long_name = k v.units = _units.get(k, 'unknown') v[:] = tmpv v[timeidx, trajidx] = data[k].values
[docs] def getTimes(self): year = (self.variables['year']).max(1).astype('l') month = self.variables['month'].max(1).ravel().astype('l') day = self.variables['day'].max(1).astype('l') hour = self.variables['hour'].max(1).astype('l') minute = self.variables['minute'].max(1).astype('l') return arl2timea(year, month, day, hour, minute)
if __name__ == '__main__': f = arltrajdump('tdump_008')