Process Air Quality Forecast Data

One user asked for code to process forecasting data where they wanted to

  1. Subset times from two daily CMAQ files

  2. Concatenate subsets

  3. Combine with similarly subset data from WRF

  4. Derive a variable

  5. Make plots

import PseudoNetCDF as pnc

# Read in files and slice times and layers
aqpath1 = 'CCTM_ACONC_20141225'
aqpath2 = 'CCTM_ACONC_20141226'
aqf1 = pnc.pncopen(aqpath1, format='ioapi')\
              .sliceDimensions(TSTEP=slice(-5, None), LAY=0)
aqf2 = pnc.pncopen(aqpath2, format='ioapi')\
              .sliceDimensions(TSTEP=slice(None,19), LAY=0)

# Stack on TSTEP
# also useful with lists aqf = aqfs[0].stack(aqfs[1:], 'TSTEP')
aqf = aqf1.stack(aqf2, 'TSTEP')

# Same with WRF, but fitting to AQ domain. Not actually the same, but doing it any way
wrfpath = 'wrfout_d01_2014-12-24_12:00:00'
wrff = pnc.pncopen(wrfpath)\
                  Time=slice(31, 55),
                  west_east=slice(100, 287),
                  south_north=slice(100, 287)

  key='T2', dimensions=('TSTEP', 'LAY', 'ROW', 'COL')

aqf.eval('O3overT2 = O3/T2', inplace=True)
ax = aqf.plot('O3overT2')