Source code for PseudoNetCDF.core._variables

from warnings import warn
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np

[docs]class PseudoNetCDFVariable(np.ndarray): """ PseudoNetCDFVariable presents the Scientific.IO.NetCDF.NetCDFVariable interface, but unlike that type, provides a contructor for variables that could be used without adding it to the parent file """ __array_priority__ = 10000000.
[docs] def xarray(self, iscoord=False): """ Experimental function Returns ------- out : xarray.DataArray object with dimensions and coordinates dims : string are set by self.get_coords() coords : are set by self.get_coords() Notes ----- When data is 2-d, the dimensions """ import xarray as xr myname = self._name if iscoord: coordd = {} else: coordd = dict([(k, self.get_coord(k)) for k in self.get_coord_names() if k != myname]) attrs = dict([(k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self.ncattrs()]) return xr.DataArray(self[:], dims=self.dimensions, coords=coordd, attrs=attrs)
def get_coord_names(self): dims = list(self.dimensions) ndims = len(dims) coords = getattr(self, 'coordinates', '').split() ncoords = len(coords) maxdims = max(ndims, ncoords) coords = ((ndims * [None]) + coords)[-maxdims:] dims = (dims + ncoords * [None])[:maxdims] coords = [dimn if coordn is None else coordn for dimn, coordn in zip(dims, coords)] return coords def get_coord(self, coordn): if coordn in self._parent.variables: v = self._parent.variables[coordn] if len(v.dimensions) > 1 and coordn in v.dimensions: warn(coordn + ' has dimensions ' + str(v.dimensions) + '; so it will use a standard linear coordinate. ' + 'Consider manually adding coords') coordi = list(self.dimensions).index(coordn) coordv = np.arange(self.shape[coordi]) else: coordv = (v.dimensions, v.xarray(iscoord=True)) else: coordi = list(self.dimensions).index(coordn) coordv = np.arange(self.shape[coordi]) return coordv def get_coords(self): coords = self.get_coord_names() coordsd = {} for coordn in coords: coordsd[coordn] = self.get_coord(coordn) return coordsd def __repr__(self): out = str(self) return object.__repr__(self).replace(' at ', '\n' + out + ' at ') def __str__(self): namekeys = ['_name', 'name', 'standard_name', 'long_name'] if hasattr(self, '_name'): var_name = getattr(self, '_name').strip() else: for nck in self.ncattrs(): if 'name' in nck: namekeys.append(nck) for nck in namekeys: if hasattr(self, nck): var_name = getattr(self, nck).strip() break else: var_name = 'unknown' var_type = dict(float32='float', float64='double', int32='integer', uint32='integer', int64='long', bool='bool', string8='char', string80='char').get(, out = "" indent = " " startindent = "" out += ( startindent + 1 * indent + ("%s %s%s; // shape: %s\n" % (var_type, var_name, str(self.dimensions) .replace('u\'', '') .replace('\'', '') .replace(',)', ')'), str(self.shape)))) for prop_name in self.ncattrs(): prop = getattr(self, prop_name) out += startindent + 2 * indent + \ ("%s:%s = %s ;\n" % (var_name, prop_name, repr(prop).replace("'", '"'))) out += 'array: ' out += self.array().__str__() return out
[docs] def array(self): """ Returns ------- out : numpy.ndarray parent type view object """ return self.view(type=np.ndarray)
def __setattr__(self, k, v): """ Set attributes (aka properties) and identify user-defined attributes. """ if k[:1] != '_' and \ k not in ('dimensions', 'typecode'): if k not in self._ncattrs: self._ncattrs += (k, ) object.__setattr__(self, k, v) def __delattr__(self, k): if k in self._ncattrs: self._ncattrs = tuple([k_ for k_ in self._ncattrs if k_ != k]) object.__delattr__(self, k) def setncattr(self, k, v): return setattr(self, k, v) def getncattr(self, k): if k in self._ncattrs: return getattr(self, k) else: raise AttributeError(f'{k} Attribute not found') def setncatts(self, attdict): for pk, pv in attdict.items(): setattr(self, pk, pv) def getncatts(self): outd = OrderedDict() for pk in self.ncattrs(): outd[pk] = getattr(self, pk) return outd
[docs] def ncattrs(self): """ Returns ------- ncattrs : tuple of strings attributes that have been user defined """ return self._ncattrs
def __new__(subtype, parent, name, typecode, dimensions, **kwds): """ Creates a variable using the dimensions as defined in the parent object Parameters ---------- parent : PseudoNetCDFFile an object with a dimensions variable name: string name for variable typecode: string or numpy.dtype numpy style typecode dimensions: tuple of strings dimension names to be used from parent **kwds: keywords Dictionary of keywords to be added as properties to the variable. The keyword 'values' is a special case that will be used as the starting values of the array """ if 'values' in kwds.keys(): result = kwds.pop('values') typecode = result.dtype.char # Adding easy default dimension object; # Avoiding PseudoNetCDFFile due to recursive dependence if parent is None: from ._files import PseudoNetCDFFile parent = PseudoNetCDFFile() for dk, dl in zip(dimensions, result.shape): parent.createDimension(dk, dl) else: shape = [] for d in dimensions: dim = parent.dimensions[d] # Adding support for netCDF3 dimension objects if not isinstance(dim, int): dim = len(dim) shape.append(dim) result = np.zeros(shape, typecode) result = result[...].view(subtype) result.typecode = lambda: typecode result.dimensions = tuple(dimensions) result._ncattrs = () result._parent = parent result._name = name for k, v in kwds.items(): setattr(result, k, v) return result def __array_finalize__(self, obj): if obj is None: return _parent = getattr(obj, '_parent', object()) object.__setattr__(self, '_parent', _parent) _name = getattr(obj, '_name', 'unknown') object.__setattr__(self, '_name', _name) ntypecode = getattr(obj, 'typecode', lambda: self.dtype.char) object.__setattr__(self, 'typecode', ntypecode) ndimensions = getattr(obj, 'dimensions', lambda: self.dtype.char) object.__setattr__(self, 'dimensions', ndimensions) nncattrs = getattr(obj, '_ncattrs', getattr(self, '_ncattrs', ())) object.__setattr__(self, '_ncattrs', nncattrs) if hasattr(obj, '_ncattrs'): for k in nncattrs: if not hasattr(self, k): object.__setattr__(self, k, getattr(obj, k))
[docs] def swapaxes(self, a1, a2): out = np.ndarray.swapaxes(self, a1, a2) newdims = list(self.dimensions) newdims[a1] = self.dimensions[a2] newdims[a2] = self.dimensions[a1] out.dimensions = tuple(newdims) return out
[docs] def getValue(self): """ Returns ------- item : scalar value """ return self.item()
[docs] def assignValue(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : scalar assign value to scalar variable """ self.itemset(value)
[docs]class PseudoNetCDFMaskedVariable(PseudoNetCDFVariable, __array_priority__ = 1000000000. def __new__(subtype, parent, name, typecode='f', dimensions=(), **kwds): """ Creates a variable using the dimensions as defined in the parent object parent: PseudoNetCDFFile an object with a dimensions variable name: string name for variable typecode: string or numpy.dtype numpy style typecode dimensions: tuple of strings dimension names to be used from parent **kwds: dictionary keywords to be added as properties to the variable. The keyword 'values' is a special case that will be used as the starting values of the array """ if 'values' in kwds.keys(): result = kwds.pop('values') else: shape = [] for d in dimensions: dim = parent.dimensions[d] # Adding support for netCDF3 dimension objects if not isinstance(dim, int): dim = len(dim) shape.append(dim) fill_value = kwds.get('fill_value', None) if fill_value is None: for pk in ('fill_value', 'missing_value', '_FillValue'): fill_value = kwds.get(pk, None) if fill_value is not None: break result =, dtype='S1' if typecode == 'c' else typecode, fill_value=fill_value) result = result.view(subtype) result._ncattrs = () result._parent = parent result._name = name result.typecode = lambda: typecode result.dimensions = tuple(dimensions) for k, v in kwds.items(): setattr(result, k, v) return result
[docs] def array(self): """ Returns ------- out : parent type view object """ return self.view(
def __array_finalize__(self, obj):, obj) def _update_from(self, obj): dt = self.dtype.char self.typecode = getattr( obj, 'typecode', lambda: ('c' if dt == 'S' else dt)) self.dimensions = getattr( obj, 'dimensions', getattr(self, 'dimensions', ())) self._ncattrs = getattr(obj, '_ncattrs', getattr(self, '_ncattrs', ())) self._fill_value = getattr( obj, '_fill_value', getattr(self, '_fill_value', -999)) if hasattr(obj, '_ncattrs'): for k in obj._ncattrs: if k in ('fill_value',): continue setattr(self, k, getattr(obj, k)), obj) def __getitem__(self, item): out =, item) try: out._fill_value = self._fill_value except Exception: pass out = out.view(PseudoNetCDFMaskedVariable) if np.isscalar(out): return out if hasattr(self, 'dimensions'): out.dimensions = self.dimensions if hasattr(self, '_ncattrs'): for k in self._ncattrs: setattr(out, k, getattr(self, k)) else: self._ncattrs = () return out def __setattr__(self, k, v): """ Set attributes (aka properties) and identify user-defined attributes. """ if k[:1] != '_' and \ k not in ('dimensions', 'typecode', 'mask'): if k not in self._ncattrs: self._ncattrs += (k, ), k, v) def __delattr__(self, k): if k in self._ncattrs: self._ncattrs = tuple([k_ for k_ in self._ncattrs if k_ != k]) object.__delattr__(self, k)
[docs] def swapaxes(self, a1, a2): out =, a1, a2) newdims = list(self.dimensions) newdims[a1] = self.dimensions[a2] newdims[a2] = self.dimensions[a1] out.dimensions = tuple(newdims) return out
[docs] def ncattrs(self): """ Returns ------- ncattrs : tuple of strings attributes that have been user defined """ return self._ncattrs
[docs] def getValue(self): """ Returns ------- out : scalar value """ return self.item()
[docs] def assignValue(self, value): """ Parameters ---------- value : scalar value to assign to scalar variable """ self.itemset(value)
[docs]def PseudoIOAPIVariable(parent, name, typecode, dimensions, **kwds): """ Creates a variable using the dimensions as defined in the parent object Parameters ---------- parent : PseudoNetCDFFile an object with a dimensions variable name: string name for variable typecode: string or numpy.dtype numpy style typecode dimensions: tuple of strings dimension names to be used from parent **kwds : dictionary units: default = none long_name: default = name var_desc: default = name """ retval = PseudoNetCDFVariable(parent, name, typecode, dimensions, **kwds) if 'units' not in kwds: warn('IOAPI variables must have units; %s has been initialized ' + 'with "None" units') retval.units = 'None' if 'long_name' not in kwds: retval.long_name = name.ljust(16) if 'var_desc' not in kwds: retval.var_desc = name.ljust(80) return retval