Pair Model Data with AQS

It is common to evaluate Air Quality Models with AQS, so the first example uses the TestCase from CMAQ to do just that. First, download the testcase for CMAQ and the hourly data from AQS Pre-generated Hourly Table for ozone. Unzip both to a working directory.

import PseudoNetCDF as pnc
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

aqpath = ''
aqf = pnc.pncopen(aqpath, format='ioapi').subsetVariables(['O3'])

aqspath = 'hourly_44201_2011.csv'
aqsdata = pd.read_csv(aqspath, parse_dates = [["Date GMT", "Time GMT"]])

lat = aqsdata.Latitude.values
lon = aqsdata.Longitude.values

# Convert time to hourly steps for each observation
starttime = aqf.getTimes()[0].replace(tzinfo=None)
time = aqsdata['Date GMT_Time GMT'].dt.to_pydatetime()
dt = np.array([(t - starttime).total_seconds() // 3600 for t in time], 'i')
aqsdata['T'] = dt

# Convert lon/lat to indices and add a surface index
aqsdata['I'], aqsdata['J'] = aqf.ll2ij(lon, lat)
aqsdata['K'] = aqsdata['I'] * 0

# Only include data in time/space domain
nx = aqf.NCOLS
ny = aqf.NROWS
nt = len(aqf.dimensions['TSTEP'])
aqssubset = aqsdata.query(
    f'I > 0 and I < {nx} and J > 0 and J < {ny} and T > 0 and T < {nt}'

# Index model ozone and add to obs DataFrame
i = aqssubset['I'].values
j = aqssubset['J'].values
k = aqssubset['K'].values
t = aqssubset['T'].values
aqssubset['ModOzone'] = aqf.variables['O3'][:][t, k, j, i]

# Print Mean and Correlation
print(aqssubset.filter(['Sample Measurement', 'ModOzone']).mean())
print(aqssubset.filter(['Sample Measurement', 'ModOzone']).corr())

# Make a scatter plot
ax = aqssubset.plot.scatter(x='Sample Measurement', y='ModOzone')

# Output printed from above
# Sample Measurement    0.041571
# ModOzone              0.044702
# dtype: float64
#                     Sample Measurement  ModOzone
# Sample Measurement            1.000000  0.816638
# ModOzone                      0.816638  1.000000
# Scatter plot figure not shown

This example will work just as well with a CAMx file and the uamiv reader, or a GEOS-Chem file and the bpch reader.