Text-based Files



alias of <module ‘PseudoNetCDF.icarttfiles.ffi1001’ from ‘/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/pseudonetcdf/checkouts/stable/src/PseudoNetCDF/icarttfiles/ffi1001.py’>


class PseudoNetCDF.woudcfiles.woudcsonde(*args, **kwds)[source]

wouldcsonde provides a NetCDF-like interface to csv files from the ozonesonde data distributed by the Would Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Center (wouldc)


path - path or file-like object.

avgSigma(vglvls=None, vgtop=None, hyai=None, hybi=None, inplace=False, copyall=True, levelname='LAY')[source]

vglvls - sigma coordinate vgtop - top in Pa

hyai - hybrid eta-component hPa hybi - hybrid sigma-component

class PseudoNetCDF.noaafiles.l100(*args, **kwds)[source]
avgSigma(vglvls=None, vgtop=None, hyai=None, hybi=None, inplace=False, copyall=True, levelname='LAY')[source]

vglvls - sigma coordinate vgtop - top in Pa

hyai - hybrid eta-component hPa hybi - hybrid sigma-component

classmethod isMine(path)[source]

Must have correct names on line 28